A few thoughts on our name: “Event Horizon Strategies.”
An event horizon is the point at which the gravitational pull of a black hole becomes so strong that nothing which crosses it, including information, can escape—a metaphor for how we usually think about the future.
Our name, “Event Horizon Strategies,” therefore refers to ways of coping with a region about which we ostensibly have no information, but about which we believe strategic foresight can provide useful insights.
Our logo is a stylized representation of a NASA visualization that shows how the gravity of a black hole distorts the light emitted by the surrounding collection of matter known as the accretion disk.
As the astrophysicist who created the visualization explained, “Until very recently, these visualizations were limited to our imagination.”
But last year the team behind the Event Horizon Telescope released the first direct image of a black hole, confirming scientists’ expectations and illustrating the power of imagination to envision that which cannot be seen.

Thank you to Cast From Clay for helping us create our visual identity.